MOTHER AND BABY’S LOG – FIRST 12 MONTHS.: 12 Months’ Record by Mum of Her Baby’s Monthly Progress And Her Own Activities.
If you are a new mother, an expectant mother or a new mother, congratulations!
It’s always exciting to expect or have a new baby in your life.
Sometimes, however, remembering what to do with your new baby is not always easy. Having been a mother of six children – now, all grown-up, thankfully, I find that I sometimes wish I had kept a Log or Daily – even monthly record of my babies’ personal and physical developments so I could have shown them what they did at age one month, two months, three months – etc, until they were at least one year old.
You may not believe it, but each of my children – some of them now parents, themselves, sometimes ask me what they did when they were babies! I remember some of the exciting moments like how much they liked my breast milk, when they took their first steps, their first words , etc.
These memories take us back to these exciting but also anxious times – when you as a mother, are worrying about your child’s physical and mental progress as children!
I decided that a Log Book for you and your baby is worthwhile having because it will help you remember!
This is a Logbook that you will find extremely useful!
Mother and Baby’s Log – First 12 Months – is a very useful Journal for a new Mother. In this book, you have a lot of suggestions on how to track your baby’s daily and monthly progress up to the first 12 months. You can record details of your breastfeeding or bottle-feeding activities along with your baby’s reactions to feeding. You can also record your baby’s sleeping habits etc.
As your child grows, you can record his/her progress in reaching various growth landmarks. At the end of every month – during the first six months, you have a space to put your baby’s photos to help you remember his/her growth process.
There’s a lot in this book that you will find very helpful. The book has 366 pages to cover one full years’ record.
To buy this book on Amazon – both on Amazon US and Amazon UK, please fill out the form above. I assure you you will find this Daily Diary of You and Your Baby really useful. Thank you!