The Broken Bond
Belinda is thrown into a serious dilemma when her beloved mother dies in a ghastly and fatal motor accident. She has no choice but to take on the role of “breadwinner” for her family, as her father is always too drunk and confused to keep a job.
The events in Belinda’s life force her to choose between her own education and that of her younger brother, Johnbull’s. She sacrifices hers for her brother’s, as she must trade and find the money, not only to keep her family alive and pay her brother’s school fees, but also to pay rent to a greedy and lecherous old Chief Ojo, their landlord. The Chief has eyes, not only for her money, but also for much more!
How will Belinda balance the strict principles her late mother imbibed in her and her family’s dire need for survival?
“This story is heart-rending and so true in many a Nigerian girl’s life! Superbly told, racy and enchanting” – The Guardian, Nigeria, 2001.
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Poverty is fast becoming a global phenomenon that has taken a new dimension throughout the world and in Africa in particular. The western world as well as their media portray Africa and Africans in terms of backwardness and often showcase the poverty level of her populace. This is because during family skirmishes, communal clashes, as well as inter/intra-tribal wars, women and children bear the brunt of these unfortunate situation as they are forced to vacate their homes, abandon their meager resources and food in search of same in order to keep body and soul together. During this process, they are violated, abused physically and sexually, while some are inevitably forced into juvenile marriage as well as prostitution as means of survival. This paper seeks to elucidate the causes of poverty among women and also profer solutions to the problems that poverty can generate. The paper also rejects the feminization of poverty, if women are given equal opportunities in life to proof their mettle.